
More About Designing Your Web

A web site is so much more than a company brochure. It takes thought to develop the elements you want -- text, artwork, logos, content.  Let us help you focus on  these things.

Then call [973.812.6536]to schedule a Complimentary Consultation by phone or in person to discuss, review, and determine the next steps --  making your website a reality or giving it a facelift.

We'll also provide additional tools to target your content:

Website Planning Worksheet
Website Content Worksheet
Web Design Agreement


After the consultation, review, complete, and return these 3 PDF downloads.

# 1: Site Check List
Collecting Your Materials and Getting Ready to Create Your Site.
# 2: Web Navigation
Navigation Structure Form. How will your pages link from the Home Page

# 3: Credit Card Authorization Form
We keep your card on file securely for ongoing maintenance to your site.

Once we've completed the above and gathered your information, we'll proceed to design.  You'll review  it all before anything goes live.  

Let's get started today!    973.812.6536

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